Does Faith have a place in Business?

Faith is a universal concept. It is part of the makeup of human beings and is an element of nature’s universal laws. Faith applies in business, as it does in any part of our lives.

Matthew 21:21-22 states:

But Jesus said to them, “If you have faith and don’t doubt, I promise that you can do what I did to this tree. And you will be able to do even more. You can tell this mountain to get up and jump into the sea, and it will. If you have faith when you pray, you will be given whatever you ask for”.

Comments on the passage above

A small amount of faith can produce massive results. Nature provides you with living examples of this all around you and shows you how the Universe works. A small seed becomes a large tree, without your intervention, it just happens, nature takes care of itself.

Likewise, we are instructed that, if you really want something, faith is the key. This is how the Universe works. The process includes prayer/contemplation/focus, planning and taking action towards your goal, while acting in faith that it will be delivered. Ask and search for what you want. It will be given to you at the Right time.

I hope that you realise your business goals and aspirations.

To your prosperity,

Kostas Augerinos

Managing Director/Founder

KAA Australia