12 Helpful Tips to being a High Performer

Setting standards of excellence for yourself means that your daily habits over time will bring you great success and prosperity.

Below is a list of 12 Helpful Tips to being a High Performer:

1. Decide

Make the decision that you will be a high performer.

2. Know What You Want

Be clear about your GOALS. Write your goals down so that you have a clear record of them to view on a regular basis. Remember clarity assists with certainity.

3. Prepare

Plan your day/week/month/year wisely. Think of what you need to get done ahead of time. Adjust your attitudes, values and beliefs to dedicate your time in creating value for others. By delivering value to others, you will be rewarded.

4. Travel the Distance

You need to travel the distance to reach your destination. Have discipline in the face of obstacles. Make endurance and persistence your best friends. Be willing to work hard.

5. Focus

Continously remind yourself of your goals. Focus on the tasks that will reach your goals. What you focus on becomes your reality.

6. Manage Your Time

Absolutely fundamental. Spend your time on things that really count towards your goals.

7. Be Present

Clear your mind of clutter and concentrate on the tasks before you. Be Present.

8. Investigate

Do your research to be properly informed in anything that you do, especially when doing it the first time. Do things well.

9. Pay Attention to Details

Know the details, to build your knowledge. Figure out what you need to know to reach your goals and get the details you need.

10. Invest in your Education

Read more. Attend seminars, courses, events. Ask a lot of questions. Develop a curious mind for learning and growth.

11. Hold Yourself Accountable

High performers take responsibility for their choices and actions. Develop the habit of taking ownership for your performance. Never make excuses. Remember if you want to change your results, you need to change your attitude and your actions.

12. Develop Your Communication and Personal Skills

Learn all you can on communication and personal skills. The better your communication and people skills, the greater the chance that others will want to assist you in achieving your goals.

All the best in being a high performer,

Kostas Augerinos

Managing Director/Founder

KAA Australia